06 Feb, 2025

This cheap FTSE 100 dividend stock is plunging! Should I buy it for my ISA?

Image source: Getty Images UK shares have sold off heavily again in recent sessions. It’s a downturn that means the eye-popping dividend yields on many FTSE 100 stocks have moved even higher. As a big fan of value stocks, I’m looking to go shopping following the stock market’s fresh slump. And the cheap British American […]

3 mins read

10%+ yield! Is Vodafone the best dividend stock on the FTSE 100?

Image source: Getty Images I’ve come to find that Vodafone Group (LSE:VOD) might be the best dividend stock for my retirement portfolio after rigorously digging through the FTSE 100. Though there are some obvious problems with the company, the stock is currently trading at the same valuation it did back in the late 90s. Could […]

3 mins read

The curse of October: I’m still investing despite growing fears of a stock market crash

Image source: Getty Images Looking back through history, October is the month most prone for witnessing brutal stock market crashes. After all, the three worst single-day falls ever recorded all took place during this month. Two of these occurred on successive days in 1929. The other, in 1987. Despite being crash-prone, October won’t put me […]

3 mins read

Here’s how I’d get my Stocks and Shares ISA ready for a stock market crash

Image source: Getty Images US stocks look a bit overheated, and some top pundits are predicting a new crash. That could hurt my Stocks and Shares ISA. So what should I do? To get some ideas, I’ve been looking at what the experts say. And, you know what? It’s mostly good. Sell, sell… Not that […]

4 mins read

As many FTSE 100 shares struggle, here’s one soaring stock to consider buying!

Image source: Getty Images Macroeconomic volatility has caused havoc with many FTSE 100 shares. Some look like opportunities whereas others I would avoid like the plague. One stock on the UK’s premier index I believe investors should consider buying is Diploma (LSE: DPLM). Here’s why. Diploma shares soar as FTSE 100 shares struggle Diploma may […]

3 mins read